back to school

And they’re back! The girls are so excited to be back in school! We’ve had an awesome summer, but I know they’re ready to get back into a routine and to see their real friends, not just momma. The day started off wet & rainy and in need of raincoats and umbrellas (all of which E forgot at school of course), but after hearing about her day, it sounded like it was nothing but sunshine and rainbows. She’s such an extrovert that I know she will come home with a million new friends this year.collage-2img_6071elliot-loves2collage-4img_6098img_6099img_6100And how did this little chick get so big?? It seems like she turned into a little lady over the summer! I mean, look at her sweet face. Cora’s more of an introvert (like her momma) so making new friends is a little more difficult for her. I knew she was a tad nervous about going, but as soon as I dropped her off at school one of her buddies gave her a huge hug, which made her feel reassured and excited to start the day.cora-lovescollage-3img_6128img_6121img_6129img_6133We’re looking forward to a GREAT year ahead! Go get ’em girls!!

summer 2016.

This summer has been crazy-fun, non-stop and absolutely perfect. We have loved every minute of it! It took a bit for the summer to get going with Elliot’s cast on for an extra few weeks than we thought, more about that here, but once her cast was off, so were we! From park hopping, farmers markets and splash pads, to a Winnipeg road-trip, Valleyfair, and lots and lots of swimming! Oh, and whats summer without a ton of ice cream in between?! Eric and I were even able to sneak in a few day-dates too! I’m so blessed to be able to have this time with my kiddos and we’ve had an absolute blast – here are some pics to show it!




I want to remember the sounds and smells of this summer when looking at these pics :: water splashing, giggles, squeals, fresh grass, sunscreen, chlorine, sand in-between our toes, drippy-sticky ice cream on our hands, the snuggles, the I love yous and Goodnight Mamas.

School starts in 3 weeks and the girls are very excited, and I am excited for them, but honestly I don’t want this summer to end. The beautiful weather, the freedom that we’ve had with no schedule or places to be other than the next park on our list… We’ll see what the new [school] year brings, but in the meantime, I will be here, soaking up every day with my girls, saying YES as much as I can, and enjoying every ray of sunshine until summer bids us farewell as it always does…

kindergarten graduate!

We did it! First year of school is in the books for this little chickie. She has learned so much this year and we couldn’t be more proud of her! She has made A LOT of new friends [hello, birthday party almost every weekend!], has created so many memories, brought home so much paperwork showing how much she’s learned, and has really grown up since the beginning of the school year. I mean, look at this silly, sassy, spunky face ::






We really can’t believe that the year is over and I’m sure I will hear “When do I go back to school?” sooner than I think, but until then, it is officially summer! I see lots of picnics and sunscreen in our future. Let the [warm] memory-making begin!!

soccer … and a broken arm.

This spring Elliot decided she wanted to try soccer, which admittingly is quite humorous watching a group of 6 year olds chase after a ball in a herd without any real idea of the fundamentals of the game. BUT, she is enjoying it and having fun (and getting some much needed energy out) so that’s all the matters, right?? Either way she’s stinkin’ adorable, so there’s that.









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Dessert time. They were spotted by a policeman and earned DQ for wearing their helmets!


Elliot broke her arm. The sprint needs to stay on for 3-4 weeks, maybe longer so soccer is out, along with riding her bike, gym, recces… Maybe next summer we can try again :)


school pics.

Elliot :: Kindergarten. Age 5 1/2.

Cora :: Preschool. Age 4.


School pics are in! I’m in love with Elliot’s hair and her big brown eyes. And can Cora’s little smirk be any cuter?! These little chickies are getting too darn big! And it doesn’t look like their obsession with cats is going anywhere anytime soon. #catoutfitseveryday

two chickies go to school.

Elliot :: Kindergarten

Cora :: Preschool

How is this possible? One day I’m going through all of the baby clothes and reminiscing on how tiny they both were at one time, and then the next day Elliot is running off to the bus stop, about to venture off to a foreign land where I PRAY she remembers what she needs to do and doesn’t see anything shiny along the way. Elliot was excited right from the start and had no hesitation at any point, she was just excited to meet all her new “best friends”, go to recess, and get the day rolling. The child has no fear.

Getting off the bus after a looong day – 8+ hours to be exact and piggies are still intact!

Cora on the other hand told me she was a little nervous, but also excited and that she still wants to go, but only if I go to school with her. Cue the tears right there. But as soon as she entered the classroom, I was the last thing on her mind and she did just fine!

Pretty soon these two little chickies will be off to collage and I’ll look back and remember the day they went to kindergarten and preschool. Until then, here’s to a good school year and continuing to enjoy all the moments in between.

guess who’s 5 + a preschool graduate?!

When I asked Elliot what kind of birthday party she wanted she decided quickly on a LEGO theme! With that came a LEGO cake (made by Gramma) and an annual birthday-theme shirt (made by Mammy). She was a little grumpy to start the party, but quickly got over it when family (and presents) started to arrive!






Someone’s not happy that all the presents are not for her.






A couple days after her party, Elliot graduated preschool! She picked out her own new dress and of course had to wear her red high heels!






This little cutie is Bryce. Elliot followed this boy around all year drawing pictures for him, playing house with him, and even arranging pretend weddings to marry him. We can officially say he was her first crush!







We’re so very proud of you, Ellie-bear! I can officially say I have a kindergartener now, yikes!

the things they say.

It’s been over a year since I’ve done an addition of what they say so I have quite a few since then that I’ve been saving. At 3 and 4, these girls continue to crack me up, here are some of my favorites.


Cora: “I can’t walk.”


Cora: “I hurt my arm.”


Cora: “Look, I can do dis cuz I’m so much twee!” [three – working on her “th”]


After Elliot made her own pizza she looked down at her plate and with a sad face she covered her head and said: “Shoot, I forgot to make a smiley face on my pizza. DAMMIT, what was I thinking?!” [whoops]


Elliot: “My 3 rules for the day:

1. No candy

2. You listen to ME!

3. Drink water

These are very important.”


Elliot: “Dad, I’m talking. Dad, one day if you’d like to paint your nails, Mom would paint your nails and I’d help. Then, if you liked it, we could do it a bunch of times!”


On Halloween:

Elliot: “These houses are all Murphy Houses.”

What’s a Murphy House?

Elliot: “It’s where you trick-or-treat the most. Duh!”


Elliot: “I’ve had enough sugar today.”

So no more for you?

Elliot: “No, we’ll save it for another day, okay?”


Elliot: “How do frogs drink?”

They drink with their tongues, like a cat.

Elliot: “No, they absorb it through their skin.” [That’s correct!!]


Cora: “Mom, you gave Nala human food. If you give her human food she will throw up. You need to impologize to her.”


Elliot: “I really want to kill a walrus on my birthday.”

What? Why?

Elliot: “I want to eat it for my cake!”


Elliot: “Can we say the word ridiculous?”


Elliot: “This world is ridiculous!”


Cora: “Mom, I counted to 20-60!” [so excited!]


Elliot: “C’mon Cora, I’ll catch you!” [as they’re both standing on the stairs.]

Cora: [mad] “I’m going to work at Target. Goodbye.”


Are you guys falling down the stairs?

Elliot: “No, we’re just tumbling down. Backwards.”


Elliot, pick up your play-doh.

Elliot: “Sure thing. Ain’t no thang.”


Elliot: “Mommy & Cora drive me frustrated!


Elliot: “Cuz they call me funny names, like Dude!


Elliot: “Mom, you’re just a pickle in a sandwich.”


Elliot: “Oh, I have to go talk to Moozella now.”

Whose that?

Elliot: “Moozella is my sister.”


Elliot: “Ouch, my leg hurts. I think a meteor from the sky got it.”


Cora: “I even love you more than anything in this world.” [awww]


What kind of vegetables do you want in your garden?

Elliot: “The kind that taste like strawberry shortcake!”


Elliot: “Don’t squirt that tree it’s really old. It’s like 60 bucks!”


Elliot: “I don’t love you anymore! I don’t love Mommy anymore! I don’t love anyone unless I get sugary snacks, ahhhhh!”


Elliot: “Hey, I have an idea! Maybe we can ride a rocketship to outerspace and I could drive!”


After spinning Elliot around I told her I couldn’t do that anymore.

“Yes you can Mom, you’re only 40 years old.” [ugh]


What season comes after Fall?

Cora: “NEPTUNE!”


Elliot: “Mom, my leg is scratchy from the mouse that came out of my ear. I have to lay down and rest it.”



Elliot: “Oh, it’s poop. From another day. It’s okay, assidents happen.”


Your golden birthday is when you turn 13.

Elliot: “But I don’t want a golden birthday, I want a pink one!”


Cora: “I will win you down the stairs. I WINNED YOU!!”


Library lady at storytime: What do you put under your Christmas tree?

Elliot: “GUACAMOLE!!”


At preschool, kids ask the Star of the Week questions.

Elliot’s question: “So … what’s your favorite microwave?”


Elliot: “Mammy, since I am almost a grown up I will call you Jan.”


Elliot: “Stop it Cora! Do you want to go to Africa all alone and have the alligators crunch you?”


Elliot: “I’m getting frustrated at you! I’m almost an angry bird with you!”

Cora: “Yeah Mom, We’re English birds with you.”

fall fun at the corn maze.

A couple weeks ago we went on our annual corn maze family trip. This year we tried a new place in our local area that featured a corn maze, a corn pit, pumpkins,and face painting (where they each chose the same thing, of course). From two kitties in a corn pit, to chasing after them through the corn maze, it’s always a fun time letting the girls explore and just go nuts.

e&c_corn maze_14

Looking back at this photo makes it seem so long ago, especially since winter is officially here with over a foot of snow arriving today, yuck! It definitely feels a lot more like winter than fall…so, onto the next holiday that the girls can’t wait to get here…CHRISTMAS!!

happy 4th birthday elliot!

Amongst the business that’s been going on lately, and against my plea, somebody still managed to turn another year older. My Ellie-Bear will be four on Tuesday so we celebrated this weekend with a FROZEN themed birthday party. Elliot loves any and ALL things FROZEN so she got what she wanted: a four-year-old dream birthday party, equipped with a stuffed Olaf, an Elsa dress, and a new bike!!



Photo-bombed by Cora!


These two waiting patiently for birthday cake.













Elliot as Queen Elsa.





Elliot, you are such a spunky little girl now! You question so many things and want to learn the reasons why something works or what different words mean, and then before we know it you are using those words in the correct context! It amazes me how much you catch on and observe and learn on a daily basis. You are very sweet and [usually] always willing to help me do something or trade whatever Cora wants with yours to salvage a fight or meltdown. You are also very affectionate, stopping whatever you’re doing at any point to say “I love You!” Melts mama’s little heart.

You are growing up so fast, but each stage of what you’re turning into seems to be my favorite yet.

We love you Ms. Ellie-Bear, to everywhere and back a million times, forever.