family pictures 2019

It’s that time again, family pics are here! This year we went to a new location in downtown Minneapolis. I wasn’t sure what to expect since I’d never been there before, but the buildings and location was so fun, it was absolutely beautiful outside and everyone was in a good mood. I am in loooove with these pics! The girls did so great and I could just eat little Arias cheeks right off her! Now, time to get these onto a holiday card… Enjoy!

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My babies have grown up so much! I always love looking back at past photoshoots. Here is an older one that just shows how much my girls have grown into little ladies. ♥

Photos by Mandy Pardo



halloween 2019

Another year of dressing up is in the books! This year the girls came up with their costumes all by themselves! Pretty sure they took their favorite things and combined it into one: Rainbow Princess Unicorn Fairies. I’ve never heard of it before, but I think they pulled it off, although at 25 degrees outside they had to wear their winter coats over the costumes, but they were warm and had a great time… and got WAY too much candy!!
