summer 2016.

This summer has been crazy-fun, non-stop and absolutely perfect. We have loved every minute of it! It took a bit for the summer to get going with Elliot’s cast on for an extra few weeks than we thought, more about that here, but once her cast was off, so were we! From park hopping, farmers markets and splash pads, to a Winnipeg road-trip, Valleyfair, and lots and lots of swimming! Oh, and whats summer without a ton of ice cream in between?! Eric and I were even able to sneak in a few day-dates too! I’m so blessed to be able to have this time with my kiddos and we’ve had an absolute blast – here are some pics to show it!




I want to remember the sounds and smells of this summer when looking at these pics :: water splashing, giggles, squeals, fresh grass, sunscreen, chlorine, sand in-between our toes, drippy-sticky ice cream on our hands, the snuggles, the I love yous and Goodnight Mamas.

School starts in 3 weeks and the girls are very excited, and I am excited for them, but honestly I don’t want this summer to end. The beautiful weather, the freedom that we’ve had with no schedule or places to be other than the next park on our list… We’ll see what the new [school] year brings, but in the meantime, I will be here, soaking up every day with my girls, saying YES as much as I can, and enjoying every ray of sunshine until summer bids us farewell as it always does…